Feeling like a Ministry Imposter?

Feeling like a Ministry Imposter?

I heard someone say something years ago that I have seen to be so true: God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.Need evidence? Look at all that God has done (and is doing) in and through you. We weren’t much when God called us, but we are...
The Day I Met Arnold Palmer

The Day I Met Arnold Palmer

Known as the ‘King’ of Golf, Arnold Palmer had his own ‘Army’ of fans. I was one. When I heard of his passing a few years ago, it brought to mind a summer day in Lexington, Kentucky, 35 years ago. Arnold was playing in a tourney there, where I was a youth...
Taking Risks for God

Taking Risks for God

In baseball, you can’t steal second and keep your foot on first. You have to venture into ‘the zone of the unknown’ and take some risks to win the game. The same is true for a church working right: prudent risks advance His mission.  Author, Mark Batterson wrote about...
The Youth Sports Cartel

The Youth Sports Cartel

I am a huge sports fan. Huge. I spent my last 20 years on the west side of Cincinnati and sports are a big part of the culture. After all, it’s the hometown of one Peter Edward Rose. There are so many things I love about sports. I love to play and I love to watch –...